TheFactoEngineer - Musician - Game Enthusiast


(2 min read)

I’ve gone through many aliases in the past as I’ve rotated around the Sun: Somnium, Suzak (as part of Suzak & Fenix), Artiam, and finally Arknight. Each of these names were stepping stones that changed with me and my musical tastes. It dawned on me recently that it’s once again time for a change…

I can’t quite pin down when I switched from Artiam to Arknight but the name now seems to be overloaded. There are many artists out there going by Arknight and it’s also apparently a mobile game. I even received a YouTube comment once, asking if I’d stolen the name. Those are just the external factors. Internally, I feel like a lot has changed since Arknight and I want to start fresh; in a way, freeing myself from…myself? I’ve learned quite a bit about my own musical tastes and where I want to go. Of course, I’m by no means an expert now and I definitely have a long way to go. The fact remains, I want to reset.

So, the new name is: Liam Solas. I wanted it to be more like a real name than Arknight since I am a human, after all. Why Liam? Why Solas? That’s not really important, but I feel like with this new moniker I can reinvent myself, my music, and more. I’m looking forward to the future.

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