TheFactoEngineer - Musician - Game Enthusiast

Abandoned Archives // 01

(3 min read)

I mentioned in one of my previous posts that I had been tossing around the idea of “Abandoned Archives” for awhile; posting some of my older “non canon” tracks. I tend to be a perfectionist and that’s been the source of hesitation around doing this. I’ve definitely grown in my craft (though I still have a long way to go) and so posting older music comes with some level of embarrassment. Finally, when I really gave it some thought, there’s nothing to lose here. Though I’ve improved, I think there are some good melodies from my past that I’d like to share.

So here we go.

Blue Sky 🌅

I still remember making this song. I had broken my leg right before summer and felt like I wasn’t going to be able to get out and explore with my friends. I rearranged my room so I could face out the window while working on music. It was a nice clear sunny day and this one just came to me pretty quickly. The song structure is pretty simple with various melodies over consistent chords. It’s a sappy one for sure 😉

Over the Horizon 🌆

I’m struggling a bit on the context around this one. I remember I had a new room in my parents’ house where I lived at the time. I’m willing to bet I was into Anjunabeats and trancier sounds, which should be pretty evident. It’s not one of my favorite productions, but hey, it’s a finished piece.

Shipyard Shadows 🌉

This one’s pretty interesting, I think. It was 2011 and I was getting back into game development. Long story short, I had an idea for a side-scrolling level set in an abandoned shipyard; the mood was going to be very somber, dark, and mysterious. I jumped the gun a little bit and wanted to write a track that fit the tone. Due to the relative simplicity, I had this song all but finished in a single day.

Trails And Sunsets 🚵🏻‍♂️

The final entry for this first wave is “Trails And Sunsets”. I wrote this during the summer when I had been spending a lot of time riding my bike on some trails near my apartment. It had me thinking about similar summers back home when I’d go out riding with my friends, exploring the neighborhoods and trails until sundown.

Well, that about wraps it up for the first wave of Abandoned Archives 🕸 📚 🕸.

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